A neighbour of the Club whose house in Ewshot Lane backs on to the triangle of spare land adjacent to court one got in touch a few months ago to ask for some old tennis balls for an event at Aldershot Lido. We were happy to supply her with some, the dogs being less fussy about the quality of tennis balls than our players.

Here is the thank you note from one of the organisers :
“Just wanted to email to say a HUGE Thank You for the tennis balls for our Lido event! It was a great weekend with sold out sessions (all that money went to the Lido) … but we did also manage to raise just shy of £1100 on our event stands and preloved merchandise stall – which all helps continue sending aid to Ukraine.
The tennis balls went down a treat and SOOO many people bought them, for a small donation, for their dogs to play and we had great fun shooting them into the pool for dogs to jump and fetch. It was a really good weekend and we even made the evening news!”